
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tutorial Week 9 ● Reflection

In this week’s tutorial task, we were required to see how closely does the listening process is mirrored in the tasks in the Malaysian English textbook. Also, we needed to see to what extent the tasks assist in developing the listening skills of the learners. After looking at two chapters and discussing it with my coursemates, we found that the activities reflect the listening skills well. However, we feel that the activities helps learners in their listening as most activities usually require learners to listen for information to complete an activity or listening on how to pronounce a consonant or a word. Activities given provide learners with the top-down and also bottom-up learning process which helps learners learn better. In my opinion, I feel that the textbook has provided learners with activities that are able to enhance the learners’ listening skills; however, from my past experience, teachers usually skip these tasks as they feel that it is troublesome and a waste of time. Therefore, it is crucial that teacher realises the importance of the listening skills and pay more attention to this skill along with the other language learning skills.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Tutorial Week 9:Designing Materials for Listening

  • Preview extracts from a local textbook
    • Form 2 Textbook Chapter 3: Famous Faces
Page 32:

  •  How closely do you feel that the listening process is mirrored in these materials?
    • Learners are required to converse with a partner in classroom. One of them can take the role of a famous personality. The roles of a fan and a famous person can be reverse so that both the learners can have the chance to express, listen and react.
  • To what extent do they assist in developing the listening skills of our learners?
    • Authenticity exist in this task as the language reflect real discourse when they are giving compliment and congratulate. Language used is not difficult. For example ‘You sang the song beautifully.’ The other partner has to listen for the compliment and give acknowledgement.
Page 36:

  • How closely do you feel that the listening process is mirrored in these materials?
    • Learners are required to listen to the conversation in order to fill in the blanks to complete the statements given in the task. It is a must for learners to listen attentively to given conversation, if they fail to do so, they will not be able to answer the questions correctly.
    • In task B, the situation is the same. Learners are to listen to the conversation again to answer the questions given in task B.
  • To what extent do they assist in developing the listening skills of our learners?
    • Learners are to listen to the conversation attentively in order to understand and also identify the answers. Learners are listening for a purpose, with this, they will pay more attention to the conversation given.
    • Not only that, learners have a background knowledge regarding the theme of the conversation as they have learnt it in the previous tasks. This allows them to be familiar and have a rough idea on the conversation where top-down processing occurs.
    • The more exposure the listener has to them, the greater the ability to comprehend.
Page 38:
  • How closely do you feel that the listening process is mirrored in these materials?
    • In activity A, learners are required to say words after the teacher. This activity focuses on the consonants of /v/ and /w/.
    • In activity B, learners are required to pronounce words that they have learned in activity A.
  • To what extent do they assist in developing the listening skills of our learners?
    • In activity A, it is a bottom-up practice activity. Learners have to listen and repeat to the words after the teacher. Learners have to pay attention and listen accurately to the sound in order for them to get the pronunciation correctly.
    • In activity B, it is a top-down activity since learners have to use their schemata of correct pronunciation of the words so that they can say the sentences aloud. This encourage learners to discuss what they already know about.
    • We noticed that this activity has both bottom-up and top-down approach. Correlation between two approaches can help the learners to sharpen their listening skill.

  • Preview extracts from a local textbook.
    • Form 2 Textbook Chapter 13: Our Green Heritage
Page 179:
  • How closely do you feel that the listening process is mirrored in these materials?
    • For task A, the learners are to listen to a recording and then pay attention to the sequence of the story. After that, they need to sequence the picture given in the textbook.
    • For task B, the learners need to listen to the recording again and then they need to sequence the sentences given in the textbook.
  • To what extent do they assist in developing the listening skills of our learners?
    • For task A and B, the learners are listening for a purpose, they need to listen attentively to details from the recording.
    • The task relates to top down process as it requires learners’ background knowledge to enable them to relate the description of recording with the picture given.  

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week 8 ● Reflection

In this week’s tasks, we were asked to compare and contrast the different adaptation techniques between Maley and Tomlinson, McDonough and Shaw and also Masuhara. We were also asked to compare and contrast the materials adaptation procedures. Looking the techniques and procedures, I realised it’s all almost similar, it’s the terms that are different. It was a good task as I feel that it is necessary for teachers to adapt their materials to fit the students’ learning context and objectives.

Materials adaptation is something I feel has to be applied somehow or rather as no two classrooms are the same. By adapting the materials, learners will be able to learn better as the materials can fit them better. Despite that, it is really up to the teacher to choose to apply these techniques of adaptation as some teachers may think the textbook and material itself is good enough for every students.

I remember back in high school, my friend from a different class were discussing about our English teachers and we were comparing the teachers and how they taught. I remember how my friend complained that the teacher follows the textbook and never changes or make the class more interesting which in turn resulted in the class being boring and uninteresting. On the other hand, my teacher would always add activities, modify the materials to suit our class. It was fun and engaging and we were given chances to interact more in the class and do extra activities which made us love our English lesson.

In my opinion, teachers should at least try to adapt the materials in suiting the learners as it will be much more effective. By having these techniques and procedures, I would definitely try to apply materials adaptation to enhance my teaching next time.

*This reflection was written on the 18th of December. The date was changed because I thought it'd be better if it was posted after the respective task.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tutorial Week 7 ● Reflection

For the tutorial this week, we were required to sketch out a digital language learning material (DLLM) interface and explain our concept based on week 7’s lecture notes and articles given. I am thankful that I was exposed to digital learning materials in my first semester but I only knew a little about it. All I knew was that the materials used were tools related to the computer and Internet. Therefore, this week’s lesson on DLLM allowed me to understand it better and I really enjoyed reading about it.

I’ve learnt that in creating materials/DLLM, we have to consider many aspects such as the learning objects and materials, the usability of that particular material, etc. We have to see how practical is the material and how would learners accept it or use it as a language learning material. Seeing how the DLLM corresponds with the needs of the learners and the pedagogical usability. I realised DLLM is not created because we want the material to be interesting and students will pay more attention in class; besides that, it has to focus on how language is being learnt and how learners can use these DLLM to improve and apply in their daily lives.

I enjoyed this tutorial as it allowed us to create a DLLM in whatever way we wanted. I enjoyed searching through the Internet to find suitable websites and software that are interesting, fun and most importantly, user friendly. We chose ToonDoo as we found that it was practical and it had the ‘criteria’ we wanted. We thought its very user friendly and it will not be difficult for high school learners to use it. After deciding on the suitable website/material, we created a comic strip and came up with questions that will enable learners to use the website to answer the questions given.

This week’s tutorial task was definitely fun and helpful as I learnt more about DLLM and how it is important to not just create a DLLM for the sake of having an interesting activity, but to create a DLLM to aid and enhance one’s language learning process. I will definitely follow these theories and principles in designing an interesting and useful DLLM for my learners next time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Week 7: "e"-fied Class

We completed this task in our assignment group where we discussed on each checkpoint.
·         Declan
·         Elucia
·         Glenn
·         Kat (Loh Chia Yee)
·         Stennia

Checkpoint 1: Search for digital language learning materials.
Checkpoint 2: List down SLA theories and principles
  • Behaviourist
  • Innatist
  • Interactionist
  • Materials should help learners to develop confidence
  • What is being taught should be perceived by learners as relevant and useful
  • Materials should require and facilitate learner self-investment
  • Learners must be ready to acquire the points being taught
  • Materials should expose the learners to language in authentic use
  • The learners’ attention should be drawn to linguistic features of the input.
  • Materials should provide the learners with opportunities to use the target language to achieve communicative purposes.
  • Materials should take into account that the positive effects of instruction are usually delayed
  • Materials should take into account that learners differ in affective attitudes
  • Materials should permit a silent period at the beginning of instruction.
  • Materials should not rely too much on controlled practice
  • Materials should provide opportunities for outcome and feedback
  • Materials should help the learner to develop cultural awareness and sensitivity.
  • Materials should reflect the reality of language use.
  • Materials should help learners to learn in ways similar to the circumstances in which they will have to use the language.
  • Materials should help to create readiness to learn.

Checkpoint 3: Sketch out a rough outline of your DLLM.
The DLLM that we have in mind is one which involves comic strips where students will be able to learn from it. We came up with a simple activity as an example as seen below:
Our aim of the activity is to let the students enhance their knowledge of vocabulary by finding synonyms of the given word in which they need to create a sentence for each word.
Learning object        : Vocabulary
Learning material      : Comic created from Bitstrips (
  • Control of the students: The activity is a simple activity which only requires students to focus on different vocabulary and creating simple sentences.
  • Choice of the students: An image is given to the students where it is based on real life situation.
  • It is collaborative learning process where students work together to find synonyms of the given word
  • The activity is also applicable as they are able to learn new vocabulary in which aid them in having a variety of words to be used while completing a writing task.
  • Students will also be able to know that some words may have the same meaning but used differently.
Checkpoint 4: Summarize explanation for each criteria
  • Errors: Errors are divided into two groups which are serious and less serious. Serious is when the users’ outputs are threatened while less serious refers to the work of the users are disturb.
  • Efficiency: It is to know how well the experienced users can operate an application after they have mastered it.
  • Learnability: It depends on the duration of time for the beginners uses system before they learn the important skills necessary to do tasks.
  • Memorability: Refers to an occasional users’ ability who has previously used the system to remember its operational principle.     
Explain each criterion for visual design
  • Harmony
    • It is the way to which the display in DLLM interacts together in a pleasing-manner. This can achieved through repetition and rhythm. It pulls the pieces of visual image together and the rhythm is the flow of depicted in a visual and helps direct eye movement. For example when we use prezi or power point, we need to use 3x3 grids to ensure there is harmony.
  • Balance and symmetry
    • It refers to the element of different sizes can be brought into balance by either moving them closer or further from the centre of the page. Symmetry is when one half of a visual display is a mirror image of the other half. There are different types of symmetry:
    • Horizontal symmetry
    • Approximate horizontal symmetry
    • Radial symmetry
    • Asymmetry
  • Emphasis
    • It is to create dominance and focus in their work. It emphasis on colour, value, shape or other design elements to achieve dominance. For example, the colour of the background must be dark and the written words on the slides must be in light colour. This is to ensure that there is a contrast on the slide. Also, the main topic must be either middle or on top with bigger font size to tell what is the main topic.
  • Alignment
    • It is important for the material to have alignment as it is for the organization and grouping. Should visually maximize differences between texts, label and pictures.
  • Unity
    • Unity is the relationship among visual elements that helps all the elements to work together. It gives a sense of closure or oneness to visual image. It can be achieved through use of similar shapes, common pattern or use of a common background.

Tutorial Week 6 ● Reflection

In week four and week five’s tutorial, each group gave a presentation on their respective checklist. It was interesting to see how many checklist we can use to evaluate a material. After the presentation, we were given an English textbook/course book by Miss JC. Our task was to use our respective checklist to evaluate and list out the problems we faced during the evaluation. “Easy job. Just follow the criteria/features given in Littlejohn’s checklist, tick the ones that the chapters have,” I thought. I was wrong.

Referring to the problems stated in the PowerPoint presentation, our group struggled quite a bit with how the tasks should be divided and with the meaning of some criteria. Despite the definition and examples given in the article, we still couldn’t fully understand the criteria. After some discussion with the group, we decided to evaluate based on our understanding of the criteria/features. It was a relieve knowing what we’ve discussed were correct after our presentation; and it was good that Miss JC further explained the meaning of different criteria/features.

I can’t say I enjoyed this task, but I know that I’ve learnt a lot through it. Materials evaluation isn’t as easy as it looks like, and it takes a large amount of effort in analysing each task. I’ve learnt that it is important to be open to other people’s opinion and feedback on things. Everyone is different in the way they think, and I realise it’s good to be able to listen to different interpretations and see things in other people’s perspective. With this, it is important that teachers also seek other teachers for different opinion on the tasks/activity in the textbook. The teachers will not only be able to share their own experiences with one another, they can also work together to produce better materials that are interesting and will be able to suit different learners.

Littlejohn’s checklist is a good checklist to be used as it is specific and it looks at every aspect of the material. However, I feel that it may be very difficult to use this checklist all the time. Analysing materials with this checklist requires patience as the analysis can be quite tedious. Teachers will not have sufficient amount of time to go through each tasks as they have other responsibilities and needs to cater to. Thus, I recommend that teachers try to allocate a time to at least analyse 5-8 tasks a day; other checklists can also be used too. J

*This reflection was written on the 5th of November. The date was changed because I thought it'd be better if it was posted after the respective task.